“Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working.” I have taped this quote from Pablo Picasso to my FeltLOOM, my computer and my sewing machine. I feel like it should be tatooed on my wrist and welded into my brain for those times when I experience gaps in my creative energy. At the present moment, I find myself lacking the final vision for our spring line.
I love Pablo Picasso for his inventiveness, his comfort in the uniqueness of his own view of the world and for his voluminous artistic output. Unlike a lot of other artists I love, who were often quiet about how their art came about, Pablo Picasso spoke a lot about his art. Today these quotes give me assurance that I do NOT have to have the final drawings for my designs in my mind when I sit down to work.
“You have to have an idea of what you are going to do, but it needs to be a vague idea.””
“Why do two colors, put one next to the other sing? Can one really explain this? No, just as one can never learn how to paint.”
“To copy others is necessary, to copy oneself is pathetic.”
I have felted some unusual pieces of fabric, many of which came from my recently deceased mother-in-law’s inspiring scarf collection. They are spunky, like Maryanne, and full of color. They call for a different garment design. I have a few ideas. Off to work!
Til next time, Sandy