After getting new product up on our website and putting the final touches on our new “Design Your Own” website feature (have you sent us your reactions and suggestions to that new feature?) by last Monday we turned our attention to finishing the new garments we intend for the Western Design Conference in Jackson Hole, WY, September 7 – 11.
WDC is all about what’s new in designs across many mediums (fashion, jewelry, furniture, home design, etc.). Most of what we are taking there, and certainly that which will be on the runway during the style show, is being revealed for the first time. Ten days ago we had a number of such garments and accessories ready for Jackson Hole and were feeling pretty good about being ready.
THEN, the phone rang. It was our most prolific (and fascinating) boutique, Handwoven Originals. A surge in tourism due to all the wonderful end of the summer activities in Santa Fe had left the Whispirit section of their boutique bare! With Santa Fe’s internationally renowned Indian Market occurring in just a couple of days, was there any way we could get new product to them? Let’s see, potential sales versus being ready for WDC with some breathing room? Hmmm? Right. Off went our planned WDC product to Handwoven Originals.

So, guess what we’ve been doing the last several days and nights and will continue to do so for the next two weeks? We’ve even recruited the dogs! Aww, we like to be busy.
Til next time, Lee