Thank you. We are humbled and flattered by the increasing numbers reading our blog and appreciate those of you sending us questions. We are passionate about our alpaca, their fleece and our fabrics. So don’t hesitate sending your inquires, we love to answer them.
Last week several of you wanted to know if things are slow on the ranch during the dog days of summer. There is NEVER a dull moment around the ranch. Seems like there is always a “wheel” falling off or an exciting project (like our new website), looking for time.
Spring always means shearing. We’ve always sheared the herd, including all the dogs, in the middle of May. But, not the cats. Definitely NOT the cats.

Our dark and lonely work really begins once the shearers and volunteers leave. “Bringing in the harvest” means long hours of skirting. This is the first step in processing the fiber and the only part of the milling process we do here on the ranch. Skirting is not the most enjoyable step in the process. You stand at a wire mesh table, lay out the raw fleece and go over each section removing vegetation, coarse or short fibers and “stuff.” It’s dirty, time consuming and boring. But, has to be done before sending the year’s harvest off to the mill.
It is truly a family affair as alpacas and llamas peek in, Atticus sits under the skirting table as sentry, and the cats – gosh our barn is full of cats – love to roll in fiber.
Our spring and early summer production switches from warmer coats, jackets, hats and vests to our summer-weight vests, shawls and scarves. Sandy loves this part of the production because she dyes all the fabric. Sandy loves dying the fabrics. Most summer days our kitchen is hot and steamy from the dye pot.

For those of you sitting in air-conditioned offices, or enjoying the summer breezes at the Santa Fe Opera or any of the multitude of festivals around New Mexico, you may enjoy the Spring Fling Vest. No summer ensemble should be considered complete without a silky alpaca wrap like our Endearing Shawl to catch that delightful breeze.
See what I mean about Sandy loving the dying?
Until next week……. keep enjoying your summer. Can you believe it is half gone?