On our first day in the Seattle area, we visited Evergreen Fleece Processing LLC mill which has been processing our fiber in batts for more than three years. We had never visited Evergreen mill before, although we have spent time with owners Chuck and Lynn Armstrong at several FeltLOOM gatherings. In addition to owning and operating equipment that can do the batts we require, Chuck and Lynn are expert operators of the FeltLOOM. They know what we are trying to do and how fiber processing can make or break our operation.
Chuck and Lynn and their alpaca herd are transplants from the Northeast to the Pacific Northwest. And they run a pretty lean and mean fiber business from their ranch in Woodinville, WA.
We talked about things we want to do at Whispirit and ways wed can cooperate on some ventures. One area of exploration will be adding recycled green bottle fibers like those being used in other sewing materials, to our batts. We at Whispirit are following others in the greening of the fashion world and looking for opportunities to reduce our carbon footprint, and help battle the waste in the fashion world. Take a particular look at Themis and Threads and O Ecotextiles, two companies that have really impressed us.
We have tried recycled materials in one of our garments. This garment was created in late 2012. Intriguing but we realize we needed to play with the percentage as it changed the feel of the fabric.
It is great to have partners like Chuck and Lynn Armstrong!
‘Til later, Sandy