It turns out that New Mexico’s high altitude and mountainous regions are a wonderful habitat for our huacaya (wa•kai•ya) alpacas. These gentle South American animals have luxurious fleece that is lightweight, warm, water resistant and an alternative for those allergic to wool.
Under the name Whispering Spirit Alpacas, we started our herd in 2007 with three females, one of whom was bred. The first alpaca born at our ranch (called a cria) was Jazzman, a true black with amazing fiber. We slowly grew out herd, with an eye for animals of beautiful and rich color as well as a steady strong group of white. Shearing, breeding, it was great adventure. It was always our goal to work with these fibers, in their natural colors, and to produce materials that showcased their amazing qualities.
Shearing day, 2015. Photo courtesy Neala McCarten.
Thank you to our herd. It is your amazing fiber that is at the center of our production. Trite to say, but we could not do it without you.